Josh’s slasher comedy movie, “Detention”, has been picked up production company Sony Pictures and will be heading to theatres worldwide. Mixing elements of comedy, horror, sci-fi and action movies, the film centers on a group of high school seniors who face off against a slasher killer, and ultimately find themselves in a position to save the world – if only they can get out of detention.
“This is the best apocalyptic fantasy, horror, science fiction, action- thriller, body swapping, time-traveling teen romantic comedy that we have ever screened. The pace, energy, and awesomeness Joseph Kahn has achieved in ‘Detention’ is completely mind-blowing in the best way possible,” said Sony exec Scott Shooman in a statement.
The film recently won the Youth Jury prize for best FutureWave Feature Film at the Seattle International Film Festival.
“I am thrilled for ‘Detention’ to find an enthusiastic home at Sony,” said Kahn. “I am looking forward to unleashing our apocalyptic fantasy, horror, science fiction, action- thriller, body swapping, time-traveling teen romantic comedy!” Read more at the source.