If you’ve been having trouble sending mail to Josh recently, it’s because he has a new fan mail address! Try this new one in California to get a reply within 2 – 4 weeks.
Josh’s New Fan Mail Address
Josh Hutcherson Fan Club
P.O. Box 2387
Santa Clarita, CA 91386-2387
Our contact page has also been updated with the new address.
7 Comments on “Josh’s New Fan Mail Address”
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hey me and my friend are big fans ofJosh. My friend wanted to no if she could talk to him over the phone. If you could we would want to talk to you on emial if not over phone.
Ya if we can Josh’s email that would be great!!!
I’m dying to talk to Josh!!!
Guys…respect Josh’s privacy. Would you like it if you were famous and everyone wanted your email/phone number? Not likely. Respect Josh and his privacy here. 😉
I am if I could just talk to him once that’s all I would need
I SWEAR!!!…. Just once.. : /
hi guy !
im julia .im from argentina and i speak spanish but i can speak inglish very well . i want say josh hutcherson dont like miy , but , i love josh like jeese in the magic world of terabithia .
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