posted of their top 10 Movies of the Summer and what kicked off the list? Journey to the Center of the Earth at #10! The author also wrote about how well Josh, Anita, and Brendan interacted.
10. Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D (New Line) – Sure, this experiment into 3D filmmaking has a lot of problems in terms of the CG, but it’s just such a fun and entertaining movie that I enjoyed enough to see twice. It reminds me of all those ’70s Disney adventures I saw as a kid, just a wild ride of an adventure through the world of one of my favorite books when I was a kid, but given a modern take. I thought the chemistry and interaction between Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson and Icelandic cutie Anita Briem really drove this movie and made them so much fun to watch get into trouble, and I’m glad to see it found an audience even if it’s not considered the summer’s biggest blockbuster.
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